Holly Matter Modern Art

Christine Jasper and her brain child


I just love the name of this place. It's fun to say it. The term "modern art" is retro, an irony I appreciate. Christine Jasper opened her art gallery six months ago with a show of her mother's weaving, beading and applique--pieces that cross over, using craft media to produce fine art. The current show features wryly humorous sculptures of juxtaposed found objects. "We're about to move into a beautiful old building with a lot more space," Christine told me. The feeling even in the smaller plainer space was of playfulness and reverence for beauty. "We're really lucky she's here," commented Scram editrix and entertainment columnist Kim Cooper, who had introduced me to her. "Christine has events almost every night."



The people attending my event drifted in slowly. Mari Kono and Jeff Bean of the Launching Pad, my friend since age two, Marissa Batt, her husband Mark, and her wonderful mother Florence Packman, Kim Cooper, a lovely young couple who make mosaic stained glass named Jason and Marley, Kent, Stephanie, Chauncey, an altogether great-looking and great-vibing group of humans. When I talked about my appearance on the David Frost show stoned on mescaline in 1971, Marissa chimed in with her impressions as she watched me on TV. Shared glee. When I asked everyone for their most valuable piece of information for living on the earth, people echoed answers I had heard at other gatherings. Attitude is everything. We create with our thoughts. Compassion is the key to our survival. This is what people are thinking about these days. There was some discussion about honesty versus kindness, and how it might, or must, be possible to emit both simultaneously.


Mari and Kim wish me a fond farewell, as I am heading north tomorrow.



Two people I have adored since the age of two--Marissa Batt and her mother Florence Packman

Earlier in the day, I met Susan's daughter Laria Saunders, a dancer, and her friend Catherine Shaddix, who teaches yoga. I imparted to Laria my recommendations for her upcoming trip to Maui, and Catherine invited me to visit at the Zen Center outside Ithaca, New York. I love how the boho network works.

Laria and Catherine